Medial session clear, natural and loving with the universe. Brings light, calm, serenity and trust in the present and future.
Distance treatment independent of time and space. Universal energy, spiritual energy transfer over distance effective and effective for physical regeneration, emotional healing, important projects, exams etc.
aurareading / chakra balance is......
if we bring our senses to another level of consciousness, that of light or to the unreal or invisible reality, we can see people as colored rays of light. All of our soul's information is stored in our light body. With laying on of hands as well as Reiki, Quanty, ULE we can harmonize the chakra balance/energy centers and trigger physical and mental relaxation.
An aura image or soul image is balm for your soul! Soothing, regenerating, balancing placed in the space where you live. The image shows the guidance of your unconscious true soul.
I paint your soul picture based on your name. It contains information in the form of colors, symbols, spiritual companions and earthly helpers such as: nature spirits, fairies, dwarves, gnomes, elven spirit guides, angels, light beings, deceased souls, etc.
Plus written channeled messages and symbols.